Webcast Series: The Client Relationship

By Danny Cahill, CPC and Jenifer Lambert, CPC
Five, 1-Hour Meetings (DVD of PowerPoint Slides and Audio) including:
Follow the Money—Danny Cahill (62 Minutes)
Effective marketing is more than just banging out cold calls. Join Danny as he explores how top producers find creative ways to find searches.
Converting Soft Opportunities—Jenifer Lambert (51 Minutes)
Jen does a deep dive into the constructs of a marketing call. From approach to assessment, she looks at how to qualify what you've got and pull out the reluctant job order. 

Uh, About My Fee?—Danny Cahill (50 Minutes)
Clients are going to challenge the fee in an industry that is so fragmented in its pricing. But recruiters add to the problem by the way they broach the subject. Danny will tackle this fundamental skill that is so key to your bottom line. 

Qualifying Search Assignments—Danny Cahill (59 Minutes)
The trick is to qualify which jobs to work, and more importantly, which ones to let go. We will discuss how this will simplify your life and improve your time management.

Working Higher Level Jobs—Danny Cahill (65 Minutes)
Recruiters want a quick fix, and a big fee seems like the answer! But is it? It's a bigger decision than you think. Danny will give you approaches, prepare you for some common objections, and more importantly, give you the one thing you'll need... attitude!! 

Each meeting title includes both the Meeting on DVD (Watch a PowerPoint on your computer or DVD player) as well as the Meeting on CD (Listen in the car). 

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