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Owner/Manager Virtual Retreat Session Ten - Who’s Your Crew? The Key (Non-Recruiter) Hires, Associates and Vendors You Need for Success

Who’s behind you? (Not who is talking about you behind your back, that’s different, and ongoing.) Who handles your money?  (Internally, as in your accountant, and externally, as in your personal wealth building.) What about your legal matters? (Oh you haven’t had one? You will. Such fun.) How about your cyber security? Who reads your umbrella biz insurance to see what is covered and what isn’t? Could you be sued personally if someone got hurt at a company party or on the way home from a company event? How do you select and budget internet tools? What’s your profit margin? Is it shrinking? Do you even know?

We tease the boss and call the vendors that come in to see him, “Team Danny.” In our culture of transparency, we know what they do and they know what we do.

It’s phenom that you have learned the art and science of making placements. But do you know who and what you need for a sustaining support team?

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