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Owner/Manager Virtual Retreat Session Eleven - The Moving Walk is About to End: How to Profitably Exit Your Staffing Firm

You’re an entrepreneur. You never sold out to “the man.” Others joined big companies. You built something special. And you are and should be proud. But some days you think, “Now I would sell out, but nobody wants to buy.”


You’ve been told you can’t sell your search firm. That it is an intangible service and it ends when you end. And like all legends and folklore, there is some truth underneath, but over time plot lines and characters have made the story more complex. Danny will discuss the FOUR VIABLE EXIT Strategies for successful owners. Danny has been a consultant to ATD members on all four strategies, and has seen firsthand the pros and cons, the inherent conflicts and fears. Danny will also share his 1998 creation, The Hobson Associates Equity Partner Agreement, designed to 1) reward his senior people 2) retain and attract talent 3) provide an exit without sacrificing your legacy. All attendees will get a copy of the agreement and are free to use it and modify it with their own legal counsel.


You have all known the satisfaction of managing a high revenue producing firm. But most of you have not known the peace of mind that comes with knowing what you have built will survive, and what you have earned will reward you.


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