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Non Member Webinar Recording: The End of Metrics: Counting What Matters!

Manager’s ONLY session…UNLESS

• You trust your people
• You want REAL results fast
• You trust yourself to let go of what you know best but doesn’t work

…in that case, have them on the session and watch them bobble head furiously and inspire you to act!

So we have planning tools that are faster than the blink of an eye, and a market that moves even faster, and yet we have “planning time.” We have AI enhanced tools and we worry about Data Entry! Your competitor is texting your client to set up a job order call and you’re putting together a call list?! Really?!

We count what we’ve always counted. I mean, for the last 45 years!! Most of you made your mark and honed your skills by honoring the same work structure and monitoring the same information. Every week Danny gets an email from a client asking him to motivate their people because their call levels and call times are awful. (“Uh, what did they bill last quarter?” “Oh he had his best quarter ever, that’s my point, imagine if he made more calls!”) Sigh, yep, I can imagine…he wouldn’t have had his best quarter!
Danny’s firm went to a KPI system during the Pandemic. Isn’t it amazing what an existential threat will do to your “F…k it” tolerance? And as in so many other pandemic adjustments, we found we should have been doing it sooner! Because we’re crushing it…

In this session we’ll show you what to hold on to metrics wise and what to let go of…spoiler alert…you may get queasy if you’ve been in the biz for a while. But buy in and you’ll have more time in your day and less frustration. And of course, more money. (You still count that the way you always have!)

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