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Making Your Senior Recruiters Partners

By Danny Cahill, CPC

What differentiates a senior recruiter from a rookie? Money? Sure. Expertise? Of course. A certainty of carriage and knowledge? Without question. But until you make them partners, real partners, with equity roles and a true stake in the company's well being, they're going to wake up one day and say, "What have I got that I didn't have as a rookie, other than these lines on my face?" And they're right.

Our industry is run by maverick risk takers. Small companies spearheaded by entrepreneurs who don't like the idea of giving up control. But Danny did this in 1998 and found his company morale increased dramatically, and his decision making was more effective because he had a sounding board of like minded people he trusted, all sharing one goal, grow the company.

In this meeting Danny will lay out the logic behind his partner's agreement. He will discuss how he structured it, the legal and accounting reasons why it works, and what you can learn from mistakes he made when he became one of the first owners in the country to offer an ongoing "Partner Career Track" to his recruiters. When someone starts at Hobson Associates, they do so knowing what they are shooting for: partnership.

Without an exit strategy, you will not reach your goals. Without partners, you will not have an exit strategy you can count on. Danny will walk you through how to begin planning your future in a practical, methodical way.

This specially designed price includes one hardcopy of the Partnership Agreement.

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