
Nonmember Price: Resolution for 2025: Get My Badass Back When it Comes to My Fees!!

It’s getting embarrassing…you used to refuse to cut your fee…then you did it but only when you were making business decisions with existing clients who have been good to you…then it was cuz you really want to work with this great new company, and then it was because you were having a bad month, and now it’s because they asked and you’re tired…

This has to end…you’re doing the work you used to do and then some and getting paid less. All because you 1) were never skilled in winning a fee negotiation 2) you caved at precisely the wrong moment because you didn’t understand the RHYTHM of the game 3) you started emailing your “rebuttals” and negotiating without talking live…it’s all downhill from there…how’s that working out for you?

This session is a return to basics. An understanding of what to say, when to say it, and ways to save the situation when it appears to be going south…

There are very few PURE rules in our biz…Danny is always amazed at the many ways members find to make placements. But the ability to stand up for and fight for your price…is the only part of negotiating that is, well…nonnegotiable.

(Recording will be sent after event.)

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